Career Exploration: a Homeschool High School Elective Curriculum by 7 Sisters

Overview: The Career Exploration course by 7 Sisters is a practical, hands-on homeschool high school elective curriculum that will not only be a way to earn credit but will also provide guidance towards what your teen might want to pursue at college or in the workplace. This post was sponsored by 7 Sisters but reflects my own opinion of their products.

Did you know what career you wanted when you were 16? Does your teen?

I sure didn't. And guess what? Neither does my daughter.

Oh, she has a general idea — something to do with science — but beyond that, she has no clue what she would like. “It needs to not be behind a desk,” she says. “I want to be up and moving around. Maybe even outside.”

Well, beyond “park ranger” (“too much like a policeman in the park. Nah.” she says), I myself have no idea about what other options there are that might fit those parameters.

Besides, maybe she has other gifts that we aren't aware of yet. Where do we go to find out what those are? How do we know how to pursue college if we have no idea what her major should be???

Enter the 7 Sisters Career Exploration Bundle (referral link). When I saw it, I became hopeful. Maybe we could narrow things down and find some specific career paths that my daughter would be interested in pursuing!

Homeschool High School Elective Curriculum - Career Exploration by 7 Sisters is a great way to help your teen figure out what they want want to do in life and earn credit at the same time.

Career Exploration Homeschool High School Elective Curriculum

The heart of the 7 Sisters Career Exploration Bundle is the 31-page workbook that leads students through the process of understanding the big picture of finding God's will for their life, thinking long and hard about themselves and their talents and desires, and also investigating specific careers. There are links to check out and execises to answer.

In addition to the workbook, the student receives instruction on resumé creation, how to write a cover letter, how to handle themselves in an interview, etc. All great things to know BEFORE they are out in the big, wide world of job hunting!

This homeschool high school elective curriculum could easily be a semester-long course, worth 1/2 credit, as the student completes the exercises in the workbook, does online research about specific jobs, takes personality tests and talent inventories, writes about what they're learning, and seeks out job-shadowing and internship opportunities.

My daughter hasn't gone through the process yet — we're saving it for the upcoming fall semester. But I can tell it's going to be very helpful, even if only to mark some careers OFF the list. It will give us a structured way to find out what we need to know to make a confident decision about what major to pursue in college — and therefore which colleges to apply to.

These are big decisions! And we don't want to make them without due diligence. So the 7 Sisters Career Exploration Bundle will be very helpful!

This course is the only thing that I've seen in the homeschool world about this subject. I love that someone has done the work for me, found all the pertinent resources, delineated all the important things to think about, and created a structured homeschool high school elective curriculum. I hate doing that kinda stuff! And who has the time?

And the purchase price is SUPER reasonable. A homeschool high school elective curriculum for under $20? What?


Other 7 Sisters Homeschool High School Curriculum Products

In fact, as long as we're here, let me just say that the prices for ALL of the 7 Sisters homeschool high school curriculum products are downright doable. I did not see anything over $50, including the full-year high school literature courses!

They have a lot of great options for homeschool high school curriculum, which you can see here: 7 Sisters Homeschool High School Curriculum Choices. You'll notice lotsa Language Arts selections, but there is also much more!

I love that many of them meet my own criteria for choosing curriculum which I share here: Curriculum Planning Made Easy with these Helpful Tips.

Their focus is on providing practical homeschool high school curriculum with no busywork. They write from a Christian perspective, although many of the titles (such as the writing guides and most of the literature guides) make no overt reference to faith of any kind. All of their products are digital, which means basically instant gratification — you can start anytime! Just download and go.

If you're looking for FREE resources, I've never seen a longer list! Check it out here: 7 Sisters Freebies.

One thing that is awesome about all of the 7 Sisters stuff is that they are well aware that there is no one right way to homeschool high school. This is exactly what I have been saying all along! So their products are flexible enough to be used however you want to use them. I think that is really neat!

Back to careers. I just want to say that it is truly OK if your kid never decides on one while they are still in high school. You can still plan their coursework and they can still succeed. Some ideas for all of that here: How to Plan High School When Your Teen Has No Goal in Life.

My daughter did do a project where she had to pick a career and figure out the cost of living with that career's salary as her starting point. She chose “paramedic,” which seemed to hit the science and the not-sitting-around angles pretty well. By the time she was 2/3 of the way through figuring out how much it would cost to rent an apartment (with a roommate), pay bills, buy a car, eat, tithe, and save, she was saying “this salary doesn't go very far…” LOL.

Welcome to my world, kid.

It's Not That Hard to Homeschool

6 thoughts on “Career Exploration: a Homeschool High School Elective Curriculum by 7 Sisters”

    1. That was a project she did in Classical Conversations Challenge 1. It was part of their Economics curriculum. It was really good! But I’m afraid that’s not super helpful unless you want to sign up for CC, lol! (We aren’t doing CC this year, btw.)

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