
Performance Series Test


Performance Series Test – Available for All Grades

True North Homeschool Academy offers state of the art standardized testing in Reading, Math, and Language Arts tests for K-12th grade.

These tests can be submitted for state standardized testing requirements and taken more than once throughout the school year at no extra cost to you.

We personally set up each test and run the results for you. Because of this personalized attention, expect to wait up to 24 hours after the time you purchase the test to the time that you have information about starting the test. For those who would like the test interpretation, this will require setting a follow-up appointment with our test administrator. This is not required and is offered as an extra service for parents.

We look forward to serving you!


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Performance Series Standardized Test


Standardized Testing can be intimidating to Homeschool parents and students! Stress no more! True North Homeschool Academy offers state of the art standardized testing through Scantron’s Performance Series tests.

  • We offer Reading, Reading Foundation, Math and Language Arts, Algebra, and Geometry tests for grades K-12.
  • Tests can be taken in the privacy of your own home and can be re-taken more than once throughout the school year.
  • Delivered online, accessible through a computer convenient to you, the test is private and secure. Your student can go at their own pace, learning testing skills without suffering test anxiety. Tests can be “paused” and re-engaged, allowing students to gain testing skills, score well, and gain confidence!
  • Another unique feature of the test is that it will continue to test the student in the subject matter, as long as your student can answer correctly, so you get an accurate read on what your student knows.
  • Test with us yearly, and your test scores will save, giving you a clear graphic of how your student is doing. Perfect for evaluating the effectiveness of curriculum and catching processing or learning disabilities.
  • Parents will receive a complete PDF copy of test results, including Lexile Reading Score. A short, personalized test interpretation is included with the test results to show how your child is progressing clearly. We offer this as a free service, but parents can choose not to utilize this. 
  • Testing no longer has to be intimidating!
  • These tests can be submitted for state standardized testing requirements and taken more than once throughout the school year at no extra cost.
  • While the test is Common Core aligned, this information is used as a “guide” in the personalized test interpretation to know what skills your child has mastered and what they should work on next! (Please note that not all curricula are Common Core Aligned, and we will discuss in your Personalized Test Interpretation whether specific skills have been addressed in your child’s curriculum being used.  True North Homeschool Academy is not a Common Core Aligned school.

About Performance Series

  • Web-Based Computer-Adaptive Assessment Platform is entirely web-based—no extra hardware or software is required.
  • Provides scaled scores to measure proficiency regardless of grade level.
  • National norming to serve as a basis for comparison.
  • Easily Accessible
  • Access results immediately through a variety of online reports.

Use the same results in different ways, saving you testing time:

  • Drive personalized learning
  • Measure growth over time
  • Use as a universal screener
  • Determine program placement

The product described here is a single test order for one grade/student. The test may be taken multiple times by the same student once you purchase it. 

Now that you know where you student is at, are you confident about where they are going? Consider Academic Coaching. An academic Coach will save you time and money and ensure that these amazing homeschooling years are not only manageable and affordable but set your student up for future success! 

Lisa Nehring
Let's Connec


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