Save Your Sanity While Homeschooling High School: Practical Principles for a Firm Foundation

Save Your Sanity is an encouraging resource to inspire and empower you at any stage of homeschooling high school. Ann's relatable style and no-nonsense advice will ease the pressure and give you confidence to get started — or keep going! 

*Perfect for when you're getting ready to start planning, but you want to make sure you have all the big picture stuff in place first. 

Don't set yourself up for frustration by hanging onto unreasonable expectations or by not doing enough pre-planning legwork to feel solid about what you're doing. 

Yet how do you know which perspectives are doable and which will lead to overwhelm?

*Or when you have the plan, but you need common-sense advice to help you work the plan.

There are all these details cropping up that you're having trouble figuring out, or the teen isn't cooperating like you thought they would, or you feel like all-day-every-day is just schoolwork and more schoolwork, stress and more stress, or frustration and more frustration.

Maybe this homeschool high school thing wasn't such a great idea after all?

WAIT. There is help.

What if you had the benefit of someone else's experience?

What if you could sit down with someone who has been there, done that, and ask them all the questions about what you're struggling with?

  • About the teen who has a bad attitude and just wants to make friends.
  • About how it seems like so much time is spent on school that you don't have the freedom that you thought you would.
  • About your state homeschool law and what it means.
  • About the looming reality of college, and how will your kid ever handle it?
  • About those continuing feelings that you just aren't doing a good job…

Save Your Sanity While Homeschooling High School discusses all of these topics and more.

Reading this book is almost as good as sitting down with Ann and chatting with her about what is on your mind. She truly has been there, done that—five times!—and she uses personal stories as well as her experience with lotsa homeschoolers to give you the encouragement and solutions you need.

Ann writes that homeschooling high school does NOT have to be a drudgery. You CAN feel successful. It's all about what your expectations are and how to set things up so everyone's needs are met—including your own.

Chapter Titles:


1) What You Don't Need to Do

2) What you Do Need to Do

3) What It Is Wise To Do

4) Know Your Why

5) College Considerations

6) Independent Learning

7) Socialization for Teens

8) Talking with Teens


With humor and great insight, Ann shares thoughts gathered over her many years of homeschooling, and I am so thankful. This book is a gift. As helpful as all the practical tips are regarding topics such as AP classes and dual enrollment, I found that some of the most important thoughts come near the end as Ann reminds us to SEE our children for who they are and encourages us to know them and love them well. —Jocelyn W.

There are two ways to purchase this book:

You can buy a printable PDF download for $8.99. 

If you like printing your own books or reading on your device—or you want instant gratification.


You can purchase a paperback copy through Amazon for $12.99. 

It's Prime, so you'll get it in 2 days at no additional cost. (This is a referral link.)

I've just finished this book, and I have a list of moms I'd like to recommend it to. Ann makes some of the biggest lessons of both parenting teens and homeschooling high school so easy to digest and tackle. A homerun. —Beth Z.

I started reading this with a mind full of questions and heart full of worries about homeschooling high school. It's rare to find a book that answers all of your quesitons on a topic, but Ann has done it with such warmth and candor! If you would like practical advice from a verteran homeschooler that will put your mind at ease and inspire you about the possibilities of homeschooling high school, this is for you! —Tina H.

Ann homeschooled for 22 years and has graduated five children.

She believes that EVERY mom can CONFIDENTLY, COMPETENTLY—and even CONTENTEDLY—provide the COMPLETE high school education that her teen needs. 

Save Your Sanity will help you do just that. 

Why keep struggling when you can find the answers you need? Grab Sanity today!