Do you struggle with choosing what to wear each day? Read about how decluttering my clothes has simplified the process!

Decluttering My Clothes Was Life-Changing

I have been fascinated with the concept of the 10-item wardrobe for awhile now.  If you haven't heard of it, the idea is that you winnow down your clothing stash until you have a base of ten (yes, you read that right) items which you can mix and match for almost all of your sartorial needs.  (Thankfully accessories and jammies don't count. Phew!)  Since decluttering is one of my interests (I can't call it a habit or a passion yet, but it's getting there), this has seemed right up my alley.  But I hadn't ever done anything about it.

Do you struggle with choosing what to wear each day? Read about how decluttering my clothes has simplified the process!Until last month.  Last month just as the weather was starting to get colder, I ran across an article on Modern Mrs. Darcy (which is a really fun blog about reading and other topics) about her “fall uniform.”    (You can read the article by clicking here: Modern Mrs. Darcy — My Early Fall Uniform.)  She has some great links in there to previous posts of hers about her own wardrobe journey; and if you dig a little, you can also find her link to a TED Talk from Madame Chic (aka Jennifer L. Scott, author of Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris), who seems to have begun the current 10-item wardrobe trend.  I devoured them all in one sitting, and as so often occurs in my life, the agenda for the day was thrown out — does that happen to you like it does to me? — and I found myself in my closet, determined to wrestle it into submission.

Guess what??  This is the beginning of a guest post I did for Hip Homeschool Moms — and if you want to read all about how I literally CHANGED MY LIFE by decluttering my clothes, then you will want to head on over there.  The benefits from doing this have been truly A. MAZING.  And it's so simple!  So click here: The Magic of Decluttering My Clothes.   And then come back and let me know if you decide to take the plunge and how it works for you! :-)

Shared on Coffee and Conversation and the Pick Your Pin Party — and featured on there the following week! :-)

It's Not That Hard to Homeschool

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