Christian Living

Worry less, trust God more. This daily devotional idea will help you overcome everyday anxiety so you can live better and smile more. Start today!

How to Trust More and Worry Less — a devotional plan that you can do every day

Do you worry? LOL, that’s like asking if the sky is blue — we all do worry, to some extent. But some of us worry more than others, even though we know that the Bible discourages any kind of worry. “Be anxious for nothing,” and all that. Right?? But a lot of the time it

How to Trust More and Worry Less — a devotional plan that you can do every day Read More »

Were you disappointed on Mother's Day? I was. But there's more to it than that... Find out how to deal with ALL the disappointing holidays in your life.

When Mother’s Day is downright DISAPPOINTING — and what to do about it

I really HATE Facebook on days like Mother’s Day. All those pictures of beautiful families showing their moms such gushing appreciation with all the flowers and the pretty church dresses and the meals out or the meals in, cooked while mom sits in her chair and doesn’t lift a finger… Mine was McDonald’s take-out eaten

When Mother’s Day is downright DISAPPOINTING — and what to do about it Read More »

Stop complaining - Tips, quotes, inspiration, and motivation to develop a mindset of positive thinking, which is better for your brain health.

Complaining affects your brain — try these tips for positive thinking!

“Sometimes the hardest, bravest thing is choosing to live another day in this broken, wonderful world.” –Melanie Dale Because the world is broken, make no mistake. And that means life is hard. Like pretty much constantly. “If it’s not one thing, it’s another.” (Are you hearing Rosanne Rosannadanna in your head? :-) ) Whether it’s

Complaining affects your brain — try these tips for positive thinking! Read More »

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