How to Homeschool High School

We believe EVERY mom can confidently, competently — and even contentedly! — provide the high school education her teen needs. This is the place to start! Our common-sense, non-intimidating approach for how to homeschool high school will have you feeling like this is actually a doable thing in no time!

This page is a collection of links to all the articles, podcast episodes, and resources that are on this website that discuss these four aspects of how to homeschool high school:

  1. Preparing to Homeschool High School — big picture perspective to get straight before you start planning
  2. Planning Your Teen’s Coursework & Curriculum — to make sure you’re not missing anything important
  3. Organizing Your High School Homeschool — day-to-day aspects such as scheduling, grading, etc.
  4. Finishing Up and Graduation — what you need to know to graduate your senior

You can scroll down to find the section you need, or you can click the handy links just above.

This page is strictly for the nuts and bolts of how to homeschool high school, not the finer points like which exact curriculum is best for your needs or how to deal with your teen or apply to college. Articles about those can be found by choosing the topic you need from the menu bar above.

Just remember that there is no one right way for how to homeschool high school.

Some of the “experts” might want you to think so, but in reality you have LOTSA freedom to choose what is best for YOUR teen and YOUR family. It’s OK to be ordinary; it’s OK to be real — with foibles and mistakes and non-super-stellar kids. All of my kids got into college with scholarships — and we’re as ordinary as you can get!

So all of the following articles are about how to homeschool high school — for REAL people. HUGS!

Preparing to Homeschool High School

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Planning Your Teen’s Coursework and Curriculum

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Organizing Your High School Homeschool – Scheduling and Grading

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Finishing Up and Graduation

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