Pivot Your Homeschool (Flash Giveaway)

Pivot Your Homeschool Party

Pivot Your Homeschool Party GIVEAWAY
January 8–January 12, 2025

Are you ready to shake up your homeschool routine for the new year? Here’s your chance to pivot in style! We’re giving away:

  • 10 Foreign Language Exploration Live Classes (ideal for upper elementary–9th grade)
    *Winners must commit to attending Tuesdays from 4:30–5:15 p.m. for a 1/2-credit class
  • 3 Homeschool High School Made Simple Self-Paced Courses

How to Enter (U.S. Residents Only):

  1. Watch this “Let’s Talk Transcripts” YouTube video. (linked in the Giveaway Widget).

Let Us Know What You Think …

  1. Comment below once you’ve watched, letting us know one takeaway you found most helpful!

Complete the Entry in the Widget “Enter Below”

    That’s it! 10 lucky winners will snag a spot in our live Foreign Language Exploration class, and 3 winners will receive the Homeschool High School Made Simple self-paced high school course. Winners will be announced after January 12, 2025.

    If you’re ready to adjust, improve, or completely “pivot” your homeschooling strategy, jump on this chance to win great resources—and let’s make 2025 your best homeschool year yet!

    Enter Below

    Lisa Nehring
    Let's Connec

    8 thoughts on “Pivot Your Homeschool (Flash Giveaway)”

    1. The widget keeps glitching. I’ve let the video play 3x and got 75% of the way through and it resets. There’s no way to get back to where I was. And when I watched the ending on YouTube, it didn’t give me any entries.

    2. The thing that struck me the most is that it’s OK if your student’s transcript is stacked in their areas of interest. You don’t have to limit them to one credit per year in each subject if they’re really interested in a subject.

    3. I really like the idea of the addendum page to help my child stand out. Without such a page, I really don’t see how anyone’s transcript can set him apart from other students since students typically have similar types of classes listed.

      I also appreciated hearing that I can count high school classes taken in 7th-8th grade, but space is an issue. I’ve maxed out 1 page listing the required student/school info, extra info such as anticipated grad date and GPA, and my child’s high school courses for grades 9-11 and anticipated grade 12 courses using size 10 font on the 1 page transcript and don’t have room to put the three 1/2 credit courses he took as an 8th grader.

    4. I have three takeaways from the video, but the one I will mention here is just because you can give credit for something, doesn’t mean you should…it may be better showcased in the addendum.

      Thank you, Lisa, for the tips and the chance to win a class!

    5. I love the idea of an addendum. I also like your real life succes stories of kids who didn’t just follow the typical course os study. Lastly, I had no idea you offered all these services. Very informative video! I watched the whole YouTube video but it’s not giving me credit for watching it for some reason.

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