We homeschooling moms have got to stick together. Homeschooling is a lifestyle, hello, not just something we do on the side. That means it’s easy to get discouraged or to think we’re alone, because it’s not an easy job we’ve signed on for.
And homeschooling high school? Sheesh, whose idea was that, anyway? But here you are!
The reality is that we don’t always just need information about how to teach math or which

On this page we’ve compiled links to ALL of my articles, podcast episodes, and other resources that will encourage homeschooling moms in this lifestyle endeavor. We’ve divided them into three main categories:
- Encouragement Specific to Homeschooling – Be encouraged by big picture thoughts about homeschooling that will renew you, as well as find practical tips to help you keep going.
- Christian Living – This is the only place where I list articles that have an obvious Christian message. While you might find occasional Christian references elsewhere, these articles are intended only for Christian homeschooling moms.
- Everything Else – Here is where you’ll find links to articles about cleaning, time management, organization, easy recipes, meal planning, and money. In the past I’ve actually written a fair amount about topics other than homeschooling, and you’ll get access to it in this section.
This is a LONG page, y’all. Just keep scrolling! — or use the quick links just above.
Another way to get heartfelt messages that will encourage you on a deeper level is to subscribe to my newsletter. In our emails we get more personal, letting you in on some of the inside deets — so you know you’re not alone! Sign up in the box below.
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Encouragement Specific to Homeschooling
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Christian Living
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Everything Else
Many of these articles have been around for awhile and we’ve brought them back out again, because they are still full of helpful, uncomplicated information that works at any time for busy moms. There are lots of stress-free tips and encouragement here for all aspects of a mom’s life!
Cleaning, Organization, and Time Management
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Easy Recipes and Meal Planning
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Money Matters
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