Homeschool Transcript Essentials: what you need and DON’T need!

Overview: Find out how to make an impressive homeschool high school transcript with a few pieces of vital information. Answers all your questions!

You wake up out of a sound sleep—heart pounding, adrenaline rushing, hot flash, well, flashing.

Your anxiety-laden subconscious has been stewing about that dreaded homeschool transcript again.

Once started, you churn 'til morning: Will the transcript for homeschool that you create wield the same magical power as a public school version to show how you've prepared your teen for college — and to get them in? Will you leave out something important? Or worse, will it take longer to make than it took your teen to slog through Algebra?

You are not alone. When I asked my Facebook group to name their greatest worry about homeschooling high school, transcripts came out near the top.

That's because the “experts” want you to believe there is a secret sauce or magic formula for homeschooling transcripts that only they know about. And they want you to pay to get it, of course. But you don’t need them! YOU CAN create your own transcript for homeschool from scratch that will be accepted by colleges.

In fact, all five of my kids received multiple college acceptances and scholarship offers with homeschooling transcripts made by little ‘ol me! Transcripts for homeschoolers are just not that complicated, y'all.

So enough of this dread and despair—in this post I will tell you EVERYTHING you need to know to make a homeschool high school transcript that will impress colleges. All of this information is tested, tried, and TRUE — by me and hundreds of other homeschool moms. Let's get to the nitty gritty!

NOTE: The content of this article is enough for you to get ‘er done, but you can also take a look at my Fillable PDF Homeschool Transcript Template and/or my book Taming the Transcript: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Teen's Homeschool Transcript from Scratch (without overwhelm).

Find out how to make an impressive homeschool high school transcript with a few pieces of vital information. Answers all your questions!

Table of Contents (click to go to section or just keep reading):
Main Components of the Homeschool Transcript
Grading Scale
Course Descriptions
Transcript vs. Diploma
Is Accreditation Necessary
How to Determine Credits
High School Courses Taken in 8th Grade
Official vs. Unofficial
How to Format
Chronological vs. Subject-based
Sample Homeschool Transcript
Fillable PDF Template
Taming the Transcript book

A homeschool transcript has these main components (and nothing more):

  1. a list of the high school courses that your child has taken,
  2. the grade earned for each course,
  3. the credits given for each course,
  4. GPA’s for each year and overall,
  5. a graduation date (or projected graduation date, for students still in high school),
  6. Student and school information (student name, birthdate and/or social security number; school name & address), and
  7. a signature (yours).

I know this seems like a long list, but if you've been keeping up with your homeschool paperwork (i.e., grading), then the entire thing is merely a matter of inputting data. Easy!

The public high schools don't make 'em any differently than this, y'all. Doing a Google image search will bring up myriads of high school transcript samples, if you want to see for yourself.

All other information is OPTIONAL.

Which also means unnecessary, hello. This includes listing extra-curricular activities, awards, scores from college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT, etc. That information will be entered on the application itself, so there is no need to replicate it on the transcript. The transcript is NOT a resumé of everything your kid is; it represents ONLY their academic work.

This is where many of the “experts” will add extra –and unnecessary! — stress onto your plate, telling you that you “should” add all these things to make the homeschool transcript “special” in order to get scholarships. Or they may not be certain one way or the other — in fact I just read an article that in one place said you may want to add these things and in another place said not to do so! Confusing much?

The plain TRUTH from someone who has actually been there done that is this: these extra items do NOT go on the transcript. Over all five of my children, NONE of their transcripts had any of this stuff — and they ALL earned scholarships.

Here's the thing: admissions people are looking for something easy to follow. Think “uncluttered” and “white space.” So do NOT muddle the transcript with any information other than what I’ve listed above, if you want colleges to give your transcript the attention your kid deserves.

Social security number is also optional, as long as you have a birthdate as identifying information on there, so colleges can easily compile their paperwork and keep your “John Smith” separate from every other samey-namey who has applied.

Should transcripts for homeschoolers have a grading scale on them?

That is up to you. This is a DON'T NEED item.

However, if you are using an atypical scale (other than 90-100 for an A, 80-89 for a B, etc.), then you might want to include the grading scale on your transcript. I personally don’t see an advantage to using a scale other than the traditional one—remember, I’m all about making it EASY—but you do YOU. :-)

What about course descriptions?

NOPE. These are NOT part of a homeschool transcript. Course descriptions are a completely separate document, and often they are not required AT ALL.

Note: If you're still unclear about that, you can read everything you need to know about course descriptions here: The Complete Guide to Homeschool High School Course Descriptions: with downloadable swipe file!

What's the difference between a homeschool transcript and a homeschool diploma?

I'm glad you asked that. Or that I asked it for you, LOL. Many people get the transcript and diploma confused with one another, but they are two very different documents.

A diploma is a certificate of completion. It does not have coursework or grades or credits. It does not get sent to colleges. It is great as a symbol of the journey that has been successfully travelled, showing that your kid fulfilled your graduation requirements—but in reality it may get hung on the wall or stuck on a shelf and never needed again.

More information about diplomas here: How to Get a High School Diploma — for homeschoolers or How to Graduate Your Homeschool Student.

What about accreditation?

Nopety nope nope nope. You do NOT need your homeschooling transcript to be accredited by anyone. You do NOT need to pay a BUNCH of money to have someone validate the high school education you have given your child. You also do NOT need to pay a BUNCH of money to have your teen take accredited courses or belong to an accredited program.

If it makes you feel better and you have the budget for it, then go ahead. But realize you are then submitting yourself to someone else's idea of what is good for your kid as far as coursework and curriculum goes. Just sayin'.

You REALLY can do this homeschool high school transcript thing all by yourself, and it REALLY will be accepted by colleges all over the country. REALLY!

Related Reading: The Ultimate Guide to Preparing for College for Homeschoolers

How do we determine high school credits?

In general, a full-year high school course is worth one credit, and a semester course is worth .5 credit. But there is a bit more to it than that, so to be fully confident that you are representing them accurately on the transcript, I suggest one of these three resources:

1) Cure the Fear of Homeschooling High School: A Step-by-Step Handbook for Research and Planning — this book is a great place to get all the info you need to create a coursework and credits plan for high school, if you haven't done so already. In fact, if you are just getting started homeschooling high school, then forget about the transcript and work through this book FIRST.

TO BE CLEAR: A high school homeschool transcript is NOT something to worry about before even beginning 9th grade. Read this page for general info and to ease your mind, but don't freak out about it. You won't need a transcript until your kid is ready to apply to colleges either as a freshman (for after graduation from high school) or for dual enrollment (which doesn't usually happen right away).

What to do in the meantime? Just make sure you are keeping a record of the courses your kid is taking and the grades they are earning. And yea, the credits that those courses are worth. And then come back to this article when you are actually needing to MAKE the transcript. Mkay?

2) A quick but fairly detailed explanation of credits can be listened to here: Episode 25 – Assigning Credits for High School and/or read about here: Planning High School Electives or here: Clearing Confusion about Homeschool High School Credits.

3) The BEST info about credits is found in my new book all about transcripts — Taming the Transcript: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Teen's Homeschool Transcript from Scratch. You can definitely make a transcript for homeschool with just the info from this page, but if you want ALL the deets, then this book is for you. More about it below.

What if your kid completed high school credits in 8th grade?

You can definitely include high school credits that were earned before 9th grade on the transcript. Just make a notation in some way that they were indeed taken in 8th grade (or whenever).

I include them in the spot for 9th grade, at the top of that section, with asterisks after them. Then below that section, there is the asterisk that explains that they were taken in 8th grade. The GPA for 9th grade will then include those grades. That's fine.

I do have opinions about how many and what kind of credits are reasonable to apply to your kid before 9th grade. You can hear them here: Episode 21: High School Credit Before High School?

Official vs. Unofficial

Some colleges are particular about the wording on the transcript, so I would suggest using the term “official” at the top.

In my experience, the word “official” only means that the transcript is sent straight from the school administration (in this case, YOU) to the college. An official high school transcript is not handled by the student nor sent by the student. An unofficial transcript is a copy that the student has access to and sends for themselves.

In either case, your homeschool transcript does NOT need to be notarized unless the college specifically requests it. I have yet to apply to one that does, but I have heard of it. They will notate that on their website—but don’t worry about it unless they make it VERY clear.

Related resources:
Podcast Episode 49 — What a Homeschool High School Transcript is NOT
Podcast Episode 50 — What a High School Homeschool Transcript IS

How to Format a Homeschool Transcript

Believe it or not, this is completely up to you. Yep! If you are comfortable with word-processing or spreadsheet software, you can totally just make your own.

Just make sure that it is:

  • Typed or done on a computer—NOT handwritten, and
  • Easy to follow.

See how much freedom we have? There is no one right transcript format, y’all. They vary WIDELY among public schools, too. Colleges are OK with that, because they get applicants from all over the world.

(NOTE: If you are NOT comfortable with word-processing or spreadsheets — or you don't want to take the time to create your own design — then definitely take a look at my Printable PDF Transcript Template. It makes the whole thing super easy!)

Year-Based vs. Subject-Based

These are two options for how to format your homeschool transcript. The first lists each year in high school—Ninth Grade, Tenth Grade, etc.—with the courses taken during those grade levels listed underneath. The second lists each subject—English, Math, etc.—with the courses taken in each subject listed underneath, with no reference to grade level. (You can find an example of a subject-based transcript here.)

I have heard of both formats being used successfully. My personal recommendation is to use a year-based format, because I think it is valuable to see the progression of the student’s high school career. How many credits did they take each semester? How did their grades improve over time? (And don’t worry about senioritis and lower grades that year; colleges are used to seeing that, LOL.)

I also personally recommend showing both fall semester grades and spring semester grades, then averaging those for a final grade, for each year-long course. Again, this shows progression, which is valuable information that colleges would be interested in. Did the kid bring his B up to an A? They can’t see that unless they are shown grades for each semester.

The transcript does NOT have to fit on one page. That is a common misunderstanding which is just NOT TRUE. Mine have all been 2 – 3 pages.

Sample Homeschool High School Transcript

Below is what my three older girls' high school transcripts all looked like. (Name redacted to protect the guilty, LOL.) This was formatted by the homeschool record-keeping software I was using at the time, called Homeschool Tracker.

Using your homeschool planning software is really the easiest way to go, because it does all the calculations and formatting, and you choose which student, courses, and other information you want on there and then print that bugger out.

Find out how to make an impressive homeschool high school transcript with a few pieces of vital information. Answers all your questions!
One small detail: Use “Projected Graduation Date” for the transcript you send with college applications; after your child has indeed graduated, use “Graduation Date.” I forgot that here… um.

This particular document (C’s and all) got this kid into two different colleges with merit scholarships at both. You do NOT have to show all A’s on a homeschool transcript, y’all; in fact, I advise against it. Show who your kid really is. Don’t try to fit them into a mold they are not equipped to sustain.

(But that’s the topic of another blog post. Read The Truth About How to Look Good on College Applications — or listen to Episode 12: How to Look Good on College Applications, if you're more the podcast type.)

Remember, you can see another sample homeschool transcript by downloading my free Transcript Cheat Sheet.

The cheat sheet has one of my own kid's transcripts (a different one than the one above) as well as a checklist of all the things to include on a transcript — and what NOT to include. It's a quick reference for when you're ready to make your transcript — or just to ease your mind until you get there!

[birdsend form=8940]

But what if you don't have any homeschool software and you don't want to take the time to format your own?

Or your computer skills are worse than those of your cat? LOL.

Then you can purchase and download my fillable PDF homeschool transcript template for only $5.99! See all the details here: a homeschool transcript template for EVERYONE.

(If you don't want to take my word for it, LOL, my template was used by Mary Prather of Homegrown Learners for her daughter's college applications. You can read her review here: Homeschool to College: The Transcript.)

But wait! There's more!

(I've used the Ginsu knife joke before so I will valiantly not repeat it — but if I could, you know I'd be all over that.)

For even MORE HELP with your homeschool transcript, you can purchase my NEW BOOK called Taming the Transcript: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Teen's Homeschool Transcript from Scratch (without overwhelm). It is literally the BEST resource for the task of making the transcript — it has all the information you've just read on this page but in more depth, plus all the other little detailed stuff you might be still wondering about, like course titles, letter grades vs. numbers, what to do with credits obtained at a legit outside institution, and more. Just click the green button to check it out!

To sum up, the homeschool high school transcript is very doable—just like every other aspect of homeschooling high school. Don't make it more difficult or worrisome than it needs to be. With the information you now have, you'll be able to crank one out in no time.

You've got this! Sleep better TONIGHT!

It's Not That Hard to Homeschool

62 thoughts on “Homeschool Transcript Essentials: what you need and DON’T need!”

    1. Hello,
      I am actually a student who graduated as a homeschooler. I only homeschooled my last year so that I could leave high school early and go to college. The problem I am having now is that my new college does not accept my high school transcript even though it is coming from a homeschool association. Any ideas what they want?

      1. Homeschool high school transcript is insufficient to determine high school completion. Can you please submit a transcript that reflects GED or high school equivalency diploma.

      1. Wow, what college is that? They obviously have no clue about homeschooling. There are still some out there like that, unfortunately. They are expecting you to show them that you got your GED or took some other exam that grants a certificate of equivalency for having graduated high school. This is usually not necessary, but for this college it is. I would advise that you find other places to apply that are more up to speed about homeschooling and homeschool transcripts. The other option is to call the admissions office and speak to them directly, and inform them that the homeschool transcript is just as valid as a public or private school transcript. It may not help, but maybe this is an automated response and you can get past it by speaking to someone in person. Hope this helps, and sorry that you are having to deal with this.

  1. Great article. I find that in my work with parents, creating the homeschool transcript is the number one concern after: “What about a diploma?” I would also add that it is important to create course descriptions in addition to the transcript. For my daughter, I actually attached these descriptions to the transcript in a PDF form. This included a brief description, instructor (or independent), and assessment method. This gives the college admissions more info, especially for non-traditional courses.

  2. Great post, Ann! I would add, in our experience, the schools wanted test scores on the transcript. Having the information on one page at their fingertips saved them time. Saving busy admissions personnel time is a win-win for everyone. One of those points we found varies per university. But, again, this is a wonderfully helpful post. Thanks for posting and pouring into families lives!

    1. Thanks for the comment, Cheryl! My own experience has been that schools aren’t interested in my reporting the scores as much as they are in receiving the official scores from the testing agencies themselves. That’s why I did not include a place for them on my form. Certainly one can add them to another place in the application packet. Do public schools put test scores on their transcripts? I doubt it, because they have no way of knowing individual student scores.

  3. Doing a transcript can sound so intimidating! The state we live in requires us to register with an umbrella school. They take care of the transcripts and everything for us but this is great info in case we ever do not need an umbrella school. Great tips! You make is sound so easy :)

    1. Hi Kristine! Just put your email address in the box in the article, and you’ll receive an email with a link to the download. :-) Thanks for asking! :-)

        1. Hi Niki, the printable offered in this article has not been free for over two years, sorry. At the time I made all my email subscribers aware that it would become a paid product and offered them a last chance to get it for free, and many took advantage of that opportunity. I’m sorry you missed it, but the price is not prohibitive even now. But there are links to other possibilities at the bottom of the article, so maybe you’ll find a free one there that will work for you.

          1. Thanks for getting back to me. I wondered if the “buy now” option was the once free one. I think I need to build my own. I can’t quite find one that works for our needs. So fun seeing Suzy from time to time at CFA.

          2. Ack, Niki, I didn’t realize that was you! Thanks for stopping by! What exactly are you looking for in a transcript template, and did you find one? Maybe I need to offer a different format in addition to the existing one.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing this post with us on the Hip Homeschool Hop!! So many moms are afraid to homeschool high school because of having to create a transcript and not knowing how to handle this sort of thing. I appreciate your sharing this information with our readers!

  5. Thanks! Very helpful. Encouraging you to go ahead and write the post for creating a course description. Didn’t see a link. I’ll be watching for it. Thanks for the form!

  6. I am so glad I found your website on Pinterest! This is making me feel so much better. I do have one question. I saw where some one said that you need to buy an embosser, with your school name on it, and you then embossed it on your HighSchool Transcript? Is this true?

    1. Yay! I’m glad to have helped! To answer your question: Nope! So not true. I totally sent ours in (to several different schools) with just my signature, and there was no problem. Some schools may specify that you get it notarized, but then it would have to be the notary’s embosser, not yours. And notarization is NOT necessary unless the school specifically requires it. I hate the way people claim things are necessary when they are not! Pet peeve!! :-)

  7. Hi I purchased the fill able transcript, but it won’t let me fill? Trying to edit but there is a security lock on the document that states I “cannot edit or copy this document.” do I need a passcode?

    1. Hi Melissa, I sent you an email, just so if you have any further trouble, we can dialogue easier. Here is what it said (for anyone else who may have the same problem): “If you are getting a message that you need a passcode, then that means you haven’t actually downloaded the form onto your computer. Go to the top right and look for the download arrow, and save the document to your preferred folder on your computer. Then open it up FROM THAT FOLDER. Now you should be able to input data.” It’s easy to think you have the document when all you’ve done is opened it up in a browser, not actually downloaded it. I’ve done that myself! Let me know if you have any further problems! :-)

  8. I have homeschooled 2 children and created a very professional High School Transcripts (which was the easiest part!). Our challenge has been finding a notary who will notorize an unofficial transcript that I have generated on my own. Every college we have aplied to, including community colleges, required our transcripts to be notorized. Is there a company I can pay to generate an “official” transcript? Anything a parent generates on their own has not been excepted in our experience. I understand each state has different requirement and we reside in Texas.

    1. I have NEVER had to notarize a transcript, and I have NEVER had our transcript not accepted by colleges. Are you in my high school Facebook group? There are many families from TX in there, and maybe they can help you with this. I have to think that maybe you are misunderstanding somewhere along the line. But even if you are correct, I’m also not sure why a notary wouldn’t notarize your signature — they are not claiming anything about the transcript by doing so, they are just witnessing your signature. I don’t think they have any risk. When I do need something notarized, I go to my bank where they know me, and because they know me, they trust that what I’m asking them to sign is legit, lol.

      1. I’ve never had to notarize transcripts. My oldest is at Texas A&M, between 2 homeschool graduates, they applied to quote a few Texas universities, and we never had to have anything notarized.

    2. If they have finished school, you just need to change it to say Official Transcript. My son applied to several colleges in 4 different states and didn’t need any of the transcripts notarized. When he completed his schooling, I changed the wording to Official Transcript, signed and dated it. I put it an envelope and sealed it. They all accepted his transcript.

  9. Hello, I really want to purchase your transcript PDF but we do not have a paypal account. I often use paypal just using my debit card number. Is there a way to do that instead of having a link to pay sent to a paypal email account?

    1. Hi Kelly, I am updating this answer because now I offer two ways to pay. It is not necessary to use Paypal any more. Thanks!

  10. Thank you so much for this! My oldest son graduates HS in a couple of months and I was scrambling thinking I had to include every single detail in his transcript in order for it to be acceptable. You have definitely quelled my fears and saved me a ton of time!

  11. I wish I’d had all this information when my older kids graduated. I’m on my last two now and having to create transcripts retroactively for a couple of the older ones. Ann’s information is so valuable. It’s also truly as easy as she makes it seem. I used her fillable transcript form and loved it! I love how easy it was. I was totally intimidated about it for so long and really procrastinated! One of my sons is planning to enlist in the Marine Corps and needed transcripts, so I had to break down and just do it. Now it will be so much less intimidating with my last two kids. Thanks Ann for all the time, energy and knowledge you share with other homeschool families to ease their journey and their minds!!

  12. My son has been out of school for almost 11 years, the home school umbrella is no longer active. He has now applied to college as an adult and transcripts are required. I was able to find a copy of his transcript, however, it doesn’t say official on the top. It does have the seal of the home school. I am not sure what the envelope should look like and if I can now use my address as the address for the homeschool. Any help is appreciated.

    1. Any envelope will do. :-) Some colleges don’t require the word “official”; I would suggest sending it in as is and see if they ask for something different. If they do need it so say “official,” you can always purchase my template and re-create the transcript by typing all the information from the old one into a new one. It’s only $5.99 and easy to use. Even when your kid was under an umbrella school, usually YOU are still the administrator of the homeschool and the one who has ultimate responsibility for the transcript, so yes, you could use your address. Any further questions, feel free to email me directly. :-)

  13. Barbara McClain

    Hi Ann! I’ve just discovered your page while searching for how to make a high school transcript. Yay! Your info is so helpful, plus you’re funny, which makes your page that much more enjoyable. My situation comes with a twist. I have only homeschooled my son his senior year. He also attended two different schools, first public 1 1/2 years, then private, 1 1/2 years. He just graduated from homeschool. Yay! However, since I have only homeschooled him his senior year, how do I handle the transcript? Do I include ALL of his other classes on the final transcript that I will create? He applied to colleges at the close of his junior year, so colleges readily accepted his junior year transcript from the private school, where he did his last stint. Lol! That school added the classes from his public school to their transcript. Do I do the same? Add the public and private school classes to the transcript I create for his senior year? My gut says, add them all to the final transcript, but then it also tells me to eat the whole pint of ice cream. Lol! I’m not sure if that’s acceptable or allowed. I’m talking about the transcript not the ice cream. Don’t judge! Lol! He’ll be attending ONU in Bourbonnais, IL in the fall. Yay! They would like a final transcript. I want to get it right and make us homeschoolers look like we know what we’re doing. Lol! Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Plus, I am looking to buy your transcript template. I hope it’s still available for purchase. Thanks for such encouragement!

    1. Hi Barbara! YES, include them all on the transcript. Those are credits that you accepted into your homeschool as part of YOUR graduation requirements, so you need to record them on your transcript. You don’t need to notate where they were taken, but you can if you want to. Hope this helps! Thanks so much for your fun comment, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you need any help with the template. You’ve got this!

      1. Barbara McClain

        Hi Ann! I’ve listed them ALL using your wonderful and so easy to use transcript template, which has allowed me to put this assignment to rest! Big SIGH of relief. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  14. I purchased the template…thank you! I had a question about the “Taken in 8th grade” note. If my child didn’t take any high school classes in 8th grade is there a way to remove that? Maybe it’s not a big deal but I don’t want to highlight that she didn’t take any high school classes in 8th grade. One more question, my child has disabilities so she took 2 years to complete algebra I; what do you suggest would be the best way to list this so that it doesn’t look like a negative? Would the subject transcript be best? Thank you for all the information you provide!

    1. Hi Cristina, No, the verbiage there is part of the template and cannot be removed. However, it would be a simple thing to print it out, then white out that verbiage, then scan the page back into your computer.
      For Algebra 1, just put it on the transcript for the year she finished it. I did that with TWO of my kids! No worries!

  15. Hi Annie,
    I made the mistake of not writing “projected graduation date” on my child’s transcript. I have not sent the official transcript though, because he’s till waiting for his grades on the dual enrollment courses he took, and finished after his graduation ceremony. Do you think it might be a problem if I change this date?
    Thanks for any input.

  16. Hello Annie,

    I am looking for a transcript template that is not semester-based. I only need to list the subjects, credit earned, GPA, and final grades. Does your template fit this criterion?

    Thank you.

    1. Yes, I’m looking for one like that as well. I don’t want it to show when or what grade the subjects were taken in, just that they were.

  17. Hello,
    Thank you for this blog! It has helped calm my fears many times through our 4 years of homeschooling high school. I do have a question that I can’t seem to find on your website. I am currently trying to complete my son’s transcript for college and keep seeing different suggestions about weighted and unweighted GPA’s. What do you suggest we use on the transcript? Appreciate your help!

  18. Annie,

    I just paid for this and downloaded it. I followed your instructions and had no problems inputting the Freshman year. When I got to the Sophomore year, I had issues with the window for one of the credits: when I inputted the credit and moved to a different box, the font in the box got really small.
    When I moved down to the third box under S1 and inputted the grade the letter, what I inputted doesn’t even show up when I move to a different box. I haven’t even gone any further on the download because of this.
    I would like to have what I paid for work properly. Please help rectify this.
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Rebecca, I’ve answered an email you sent. This may have to do with not downloading the document before trying to use it, or with using a Mac with Preview, which is not compatible with the template. To use a Mac you need to download the free Adobe Reader app. Let me know if you have any further problems.

  19. Hi!
    I was wondering if you know if I need a homeschool transcript or diploma to be a police officer? Or get a job in general?
    I’ll be receiving my diploma soon (I never got one when I graduated five years ago.) But my work was never graded when I was in school either.
    We would complete our assignments but we never graded anything. So I don’t know how I would fill out a transcript at all since nothing was ever graded, and it’s been so long since I graduated.

  20. Hello…I have 3 children who are in high school and am trying to be diligent and create transcripts for them now using your template, which I just purchased. The problem is, they have all taken classes in 8th grade along with Dual Enrollment classes in their 9th grade year, and the classes they have do not fit on your 9th grade year….I can’t edit your template to add more lines. Do you have a suggestion?? My email is:

  21. Hello Ann!
    My name is Ana :) , I’m from El Salvador, I have two daughters, 14 and 16 years old. I have been worried about the transcript since I cannot afford the prices. I read your blog, I had no idea about this, it seems awesome, we have given our daughters a bilingual education but I don’t know if this applies for us since we are not from the US. Is it be possible to set up a phone call with you or can we further communicate by email? Please let me know. I would really appreciate it. Thank you so much.

  22. So my problem is that my child is “behind” in math. I live in NC, can I put down pre-algebra on the transcript for 9th grade? I have heard that I can and I have heard that pre algebra is not considered high school level, so I can’t. But what do I put if my child is doing pre algebra in the 9th grade? Thank you for your time

  23. Do I have to include a class on my son’s transcript if I don’t want to? If he has taken a class through dual enrollment at our local high school but didn’t receive a grade that properly displays his ability, can I choose to leave it off?

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