It's Not That Hard to Homeschool

Ann, former owner of It's Not That Hard to Homeschool: homeschooled for 22 years and has graduated all five of her children. She believes that EVERY mom can CONFIDENTLY, COMPETENTLY -- and even CONTENTEDLY -- provide the COMPLETE high school education that her teen needs. Ann's website,, offers information, resources, and virtual hugs to help homeschool moms do just that. Ann has written Cure the Fear of Homeschooling High School: A Step-by-Step Manual for Research and Planning, Save Your Sanity While Homeschooling High School: Practical Principles for a Firm Foundation, and recently Taming the Transcript: The Essential Guide to Creating Your Teen's Homeschool Transcript from Scratch (without overwhelm). She also founded the popular Facebook groups It's Not that Hard to Homeschool High School and It's Not Hard to Homeschool K-8, and in addition she voices the It's Not That Hard to Homeschool High School Podcast.

I hate cooking, especially in the summer! Here's my list of easy summer meals (that are also cheap) to throw together when I'd rather be playing! Check it out!

Easy Summer Meals – and they’re cheap, too!

Overview: Easy summer meals that don’t require much effort or heat up the kitchen! So you can have more fun and stay cool! One prime indication that it is summer for me is that I have no desire to cook. It’s hot outside, and I don’t want to make it hot inside by cranking up […]

Easy Summer Meals – and they’re cheap, too! Read More »

The WriteShop curriculum gives the homeschool mom the nuts and bolts she needs to feel confident about teaching high school writing. I've tried several homeschool writing programs, and this is the best I've seen! Everything is spelled out so both you and your student can enjoy the writing process.

WriteShop I & II for High School Writing: An In-depth Review — with two videos!

Overview: The WriteShop curriculum is written to give the homeschool mom the nuts and bolts she needs to feel confident about teaching high school writing. I think it’s great! Does the idea of high school writing scare you? Are you afraid you won’t know how to help your teen learn to write well? It’s not

WriteShop I & II for High School Writing: An In-depth Review — with two videos! Read More »

PAC is a homeschool high school world history curriculum that is easy to use and will get the job done. Your student doesn't always have to study high school history with unit studies, long book lists, and the obligatory timeline. My daughter will be working at her own pace, with time left over for her own interests!

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum World History: Why It’s Our Choice for Next Year

In the old days, whenever I chose curriculum, I was always looking for stuff that could be used by ALL of my kids, thereby saving me the expense of having to replace it for each one who came next. I researched, made a decision, then had the first kid use the chosen curriculum. And if

Paradigm Accelerated Curriculum World History: Why It’s Our Choice for Next Year Read More »

Video homeschool curriculum can be an amazing option, especially for high school. Your student can do the learning without your help! Kids will be more engaged and interested than with a boring textbook. Read to find out all the advantages and also suggestions for where to find it!

Video Homeschool Curriculum in High School: Why, How, and WHOSE?

Can I just come right out and say it? I don’t. remember. Biology. I truly remember NOTHING. Zippo. Zilch. Nada. (Noodle! for all you Veggie-Tales fans out there. :-) ) It’s not Mr. Tregaskis’s fault. I happen to have a brain that is great with short-term memory but not long-term. I could literally get an

Video Homeschool Curriculum in High School: Why, How, and WHOSE? Read More »

Homeschool high school writing curriculum recommendations and tips for how to grade your teen's writing and how to approach SAT / ACT essays. This part of language arts doesn't have to be difficult for either teacher or student! Also links to other resources to help kids at this age with learning to write well.

Homeschool High School Writing — Tips and Curriculum Reviews

Overview: Read my best homeschool high school writing curriculum recommendations and tips for how to grade your teen’s writing and how to approach SAT / ACT essays. Note: May contain referral links. Writing has been a sore spot in my career as a homeschool teacher since day one. It’s hard to be objective about your little

Homeschool High School Writing — Tips and Curriculum Reviews Read More »

Are you in a season when money is tight? This article is about a radical money-handling technique that can get you through the rough times. One of the most helpful tips out there for when your budget doesn't meet your spending. I've never seen it explained this way before. Check it out!

How to Budget When Money is Tight

When money is tight, sometimes we have to take radical measures.  Sometimes the usual cost-cutting techniques are not enough. The Man and I have dealt with money shortages several times during our marriage — no comment as to whether or not we are in one now, lol — and early on we developed a system

How to Budget When Money is Tight Read More »

Making soup from leftovers saves money on food and is a quick and easy dinner idea! You can use whatever is in the fridge, and dinner will be ready in no time. Step-by-step instructions and ideas for variations. Try it tonight!

How to Make Soup from Leftovers — a quick and easy dinner idea!

Making soup from leftovers is one of the best ways to save money on food. You can get an entire meal out of the bits and pieces you have in the fridge! And it’s SO EASY, and you can have dinner on the table in less than 30 minutes. Just add some bread or toast

How to Make Soup from Leftovers — a quick and easy dinner idea! Read More »

Homeschool paperwork, especially grading, is a chore that can easily become overwhelming. This post gives great tips for keeping it under control, and it also tells you how to recover when you've gotten behind. Your student will still have an accurate record of their learning, even in high school!

Homeschool Paperwork: How to Keep Up — and what to do when you haven’t!

Overview: Homeschool paperwork, especially grading, can easily become overwhelming. Read tips for keeping it under control and recovering when you’re behind. This has got to be one of the most guilt-inducing homeschool tasks ever, am I right? When you don’t keep up with the homeschool paperwork — the lesson plans and grading (and transcript! ack!)

Homeschool Paperwork: How to Keep Up — and what to do when you haven’t! Read More »

Dear Homeschool Mom who Feels Like a Failure — maybe you’re looking at it wrong.

I asked a question in my It’s Not that Hard to Homeschool K-8 Facebook group recently: “Do you feel like a success as a homeschool mom? Why or why not?” As you can imagine, there was a wide range of answers — but more “no’s” than I expected. But as I think about it, it makes

Dear Homeschool Mom who Feels Like a Failure — maybe you’re looking at it wrong. Read More »

Worry less, trust God more. This daily devotional idea will help you overcome everyday anxiety so you can live better and smile more. Start today!

How to Trust More and Worry Less — a devotional plan that you can do every day

Do you worry? LOL, that’s like asking if the sky is blue — we all do worry, to some extent. But some of us worry more than others, even though we know that the Bible discourages any kind of worry. “Be anxious for nothing,” and all that. Right?? But a lot of the time it

How to Trust More and Worry Less — a devotional plan that you can do every day Read More »

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